When Oskar Pirlo founded a small production facility for tin cans in Kufstein over 100 years ago, he surely would not have imagined how the company would ultimately develop in the decades that followed. With the participation of Oskar Pirlo’s uncle Julius Lüthi, the young company was able to expand considerably shortly after it was founded. By 1912, the “Austrian Blechwarenfabrik” already employed a workforce of 400 people. Skilful management, ambitous investments and steady growth have turned Pirlo into a healthy company, ready to cope with the challenges ahead.
Incorporation of Pirlo Dosenprofi GmbH
Renaming of Gebrüder Reichsfeld GmbH to Pirlo Holding GmbH and transfer of registered office to Söll.
Incorporation of Pirlo Services GmbH.
Relocation of production and office staff to the new Cans 2 plant.
Acquisition of a production and office facility in Söll, Tyrol
Renaming of Gebrüder Reichsfeld GmbH & Co OG to Pirlo Industrial GmbH & Co OG and Chemopak Sp. z o.o. to Pirlo Poland Sp. z o.o.
Incorporation of Pirlo Tubes GmbH in Kufstein, Austria
Acquisition of Chemopak Pionki, Polanda
Acquisition of most of the operations of Ernst Verpackungen, Küsnacht, Switzerland
Opening of marketing organisations in Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic
Acquisition and integration of parts of the Riegler Metallverpackungen company, Korneuburg
First ISO 9001 certification
Acquisition of Gebrüder Reichsfeld AG, Vienna and merger of Franz Freisinger GmbH + Co and Gebrüder Reichsfeld AG to form Reichsfeld GmbH & Co, Vienna and relocation to Korneuburg
Establishment of Franz Freisinger GmbH + Co, Korneuburg
Repurchase of Schmalbach shares by the founder families
Nationalization of the Schmalbach stake
Acquisition of a 40% stake by Schmalbach AG, Braunschweig, Germany
Julius Lüthi joins Oskar Pirlo as business partner
Company founded by Oskar Pirlo